Sales Forecasting

How to improve cash flow in retail: 14 steps SMEs should consider

16 minutes read

By: Jul Domingo Cash flow is what’s pumping life into your business. It’s the sum of all the money coming in and going out of your company, showing you how much cash your business has…

Sales forecasting and inventory optimization

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Sales Forecasting for Ecommerce in 2022

We all know how important 2022 is for all retailers, so here is the latest in our series of blogs, this time on Sales Forecasting for E-commerce in 2022. Our long-term goal continues to be…

How to Forecast Cash Flow in Uncertain Times

How to Forecast Cash Flow in Uncertain Times… Nobody wants a budget that is far off target, especially when it could result in a liquidity crisis. Fortunately, most companies rarely experience such a stressful event….

Video resources

AI driven inventory optimization

We hope that by reading these you will get to know more about what Inventoro does, how it looks like, how you can benefit from using it and if it’s really worth your time and money.

7 reasons you shouldn’t use Excel for sales forecasting

Sales forecasting in Excel is a hot topic if you judge by how often those three key words are found in Google searches. But there seems to be a misconception that an Excel sheet is the right place to do sales forecasting, and we understand why.

Sales forecasting for intermittent or sporadic demand

long tail

The goal of sales forecasting of intermittent demand isn’t to achieve the most accurate forecast, but rather to predict how much inventory needs to be held to make sure you can meet demand for future random sales.

Seven points to consider before choosing the right business intelligence software for your retail business

A successful retail business is all about getting the numbers right, especially the scale of those numbers. Retail empires start small, usually driven by the owner’s passion for a certain field or interest. Let’s say you know everything there is to know about fly fishing. You’ve tried everything, every piece of equipment, so you know what’s best. You leverage this skill and know-how into your very first retail shop. You are in the best position to give good, professional advice to your customers. You know which manufacturers are for real, and which ones make shiny but useless pieces of equipment. So you start your business and quickly become popular among sport fishermen. The sky is the limit now. Or is it?