Sales forecasting
and inventory optimization

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2 minutes read

A new Feature in Inventoro

We have some exciting news to share with you!

We’ve just launched a new feature, and it’s really awesome!

For the first time ever, our software Inventoro tells you exactly how much money you can save in inventory, and monitors that number over time.

Isn’t that just wonderful? We’ve been claiming for a long time now that there’s all this extra cash hidden away in your inventory, and now here is the exact mathematical calculation on exactly how much there is.

Take a look: We call it the Gold Brick, and we even made a Gold Brick icon for it. And now if you click on that icon, you‘ll see a table that looks like this:

The first line shows your current availability of products and the percentage of those products available for sale, which also indicates how much of your products are not for sale.

The second line translates that number into value, showing you how much money you’re losing in lost revenue each month.

The last part shows you how much money you have in Overstock. It shows you the opportunity you have to reduce your inventory in value.

Remember that this is calculated based on your own data, so once you improve those numbers, you‘ll see progress in the app. You can actually watch as the value of your deadstock decreases over time. That is the goal, isn’t it?

We‘re really excited to roll this feature out, although it is available only in the Beta version of Inventoro. Unfortunately, it will not be available to all Inventoro customers at the beginning.

Eventually, though, it will be a popular feature that gives you the easiest and best way to monitor exactly how much money you can save in inventory.

Go and Try it NOW! ->

Sales forecasting
and inventory optimization

Become a retail mastermind you always wanted to be.

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